Welcome to Holy Family Parish

Welcome to our Catholic family

I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
— John 14:6

There is a true way to live and a false way. There is the happy way, requiring self-sacrifice; and the unhappy way of self-indulgence. There is a way of light and joy; and there is a way of darkness and despair. The Way out of the darkness and into the light is a real Person: Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church is centered upon the Person of Jesus Christ, the only Lord and Savior. At any Mass, you will hear Him proclaimed in Sacred Scripture. More profoundly, you will experience Him, the Word of God made Flesh in the Holy Eucharist.

Father Peter Pilon, pastor

The Sacraments

Jesus healed and strengthened people - in their souls, their minds, their hearts, their bodies - by HIs divine words and actions. He does the same today through the Sacraments of HIs Catholic Church. A Sacraments gives us the spiritual and invisible grace of God through physical and visible means. We human beings, after all, are not pure spirits like the angels; we are a body-and-soul unity, made in God’s image.

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About Us

There are five Catholic parishes in Vermilion County: Saint Anthony in Hoopeston; Saint Paul and Holy Family in Danville; Saint Mary in Westville; Saint Isaac Jogues in Georgetown. All belong to the Diocese of Peoria in Illinois. The pastor of Holy Family is Father Peter Pilon, assigned in 2024. If you are new to the area, or passing through, or looking for a Catholic home, please join us!


Join us.

We hope to see you at Holy Mass or a parish event in the near future!

  • Monday: 7:30 AM Mass

  • Tuesday: 4:45 - 5:05 PM Confessions and 5:15 PM Mass

  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM Mass & Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 AM to noon (Benediction)

  • Thursday: 9:00 AM Mass

  • Friday: 9:00 AM Mass

  • Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM Confessions and 5:00 PM Mass

  • Sunday: 8:20 - 8:50 AM Confessions, 9:00 AM Mass, and 11:00 AM (Spanish) Mass

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